
Testing the DevOps approach week 0: Why DevOps

It's been a few years now that I heard about 'DevOps'. I had a few friends that got that job title, they explained to me about what consists the job, but I never had enough interest to do my own research about it. At work I'm the owner (in a software point of view, meaning I'm responsible for the development of new features and making sure that everything works fine) of a few tools that are used in the department (not for the customer of the company). You can see on my other blog post for more details about it. Anyway what is important for this blog post is that now I have one intern that code the new functionality. I receive request for change and suggestion from my manager and coworkers and do the design for the code and the intern do the coding. Since it's live web tools that have to work during the business hours, the release of new code is challenging. I either have to wait for the weekend or after business hours to do the release. Sometimes when it'